
"Pulling Her Feather's Out"

I named this peacock fabric "Pulling Her Feather's Out"
It turned out bluer then I expected. But, it was a nice surprise because
it looks great with the gray and the greenish centers of the feathers.
A lady commented that she was buying the fabric for a scarf, 
which I think will look really cool. 

And Yes, I believe I was having a stressful evening when I named this!

new Santa Fe fabric!

This was another option that I created when I entered the Art Deco contest.
I am very happy with the yellow option that was in the contest, and was
so surprised because I came in 4th! My first time in the top ten!
But I really like how the blue and orange printed in this fabric and could see
it as a cool skirt or chair upholstery.


Honestly, I hate road trips...

This design turned out cute and I love, love, love, Polaroid camera's.
But the name still makes me laugh, because if I was stuck in a van
on a roadtrip longer then 30 min I would go crazy.
That said, it still "sounds" cool to imagine going on a road trip
in college to the beach. (if the beach is very very close :)

so here is "Road Trip"

Art Deco

An Art Deco theme was Spoonflower's latest contest.
It was fun to research the styles and architecture from this era.
I love the colors & bold geometric patterns.
The designs all seemed like you should be dressed in a shimmering gown, at
a swanky restaurant with a cold martini.
So...after creating 4 of my own designs, I had to stop myself!
This is the one I chose to enter in the contest.